Independent Racing Blogs

Here you’ll find a feed of the latest posts from independent horse racing blogs. Our aim is to help racing fans find each other to share behind the scenes news, original analysis and opinion pieces. We feature blogs from owners and trainers, pundits, and people who just like to write about horse racing. If you run or know of a blog that would be suitable, please let us know.


Adding a Site

We’re always on the look out for new sites and regularly add blogs that we find interesting. If you know of a site, please do get in touch, however bear the following caveats in mind:

  1. Regularly updated sites – we’re looking for fresh content, so any blog we add needs to regularly and consistently add new content. There’s no hard and fast rule, but at the very minimum we’re looking for activity every week.
  2. No major news sources – our aim is to help showcase the smaller bloggers, so we’re not featuring the likes of the Racing Post or Timeform here.
  3. No promotional content – content should be limited to true editorial posts that add value. We’re not interested in listing sites whose sole purpose is to promote a bookie or product.